Picosure Pro is the Newest Generation of the World’s First 755 nm Picosecond Laser that can help with removal of unwanted pigment, on ALL skin types – including DARKER skin tones! Picosure Pro can also help with removing unwanted tattoos!
The PicoSure Pro device uniquely delivers 755nm energy in picoseconds; the delivery is so quick that it spares the skin from high thermal damage while optimally targeting unwanted pigment, wrinkles, acne scars and pores with less downtime than traditional lasers.
The delivery of energy is so rapid that it spares the skin from high thermal damage, leading to a safer and more effective treatment with minimal to no downtime.
The PicoSure Pro laser makes tattoo removal even easier. The 755nm wavelength is able to target black, blue, and green tattoo inks, while the optional 532nm wavelength offers effective treatment of “sunset colors”—red, yellow and orange—which are typically hard to correct. You’ll also be able to:
- Tailor treatments using variable spot sizes
- Use turbo mode to better treat recalcitrant tattoos with shortened pulse width
- Treat black ink in darker skin type patients using the 1064nm delivery
With the Picosure® laser, we are able to completely remove stubborn tattoos in as few as 8-12 treatments, 6 weeks apart. Picosure® laser is also much less damaging to the skin than other lasers. Even tattoos that still have visible ink after 10 or more laser treatments (recalcitrant tattoos) can be effectively treated with the Picosure® laser.
The laser tattoo removal treatment with the PicoSure® laser causes less damage to the skin than other non-picosecond lasers and the healing process is shorter than with a different tattoo removal laser.