We are proud to be able to offer our patients advanced technology options to provide the best care for their eyes.
Ultra Wide-Field Retinal Imaging (OPTOS)
Optos’s patented ultra-widefield digital scanning laser technology acquires images that support the detection, diagnosis, analysis, documentation and management of ocular pathology and systemic disease that may first present in the periphery. These conditions may otherwise go undetected by traditional examination techniques and equipment.
Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT by Carl Zeiss)
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging test that can be likened to an ultrasound except that the OCT uses harmless light waves to take cross-section pictures of your retina (the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye). With OCT, each of the retina’s distinctive layers can be seen, allowing us to map and accurately determine the cause of vision loss. These measurements help with the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, and age-related macular degeneration.
Humphrey Visual Field Testing (by Carl Zeiss)
This is the gold standard in determining visual sensitivity in not only one’s central field of view but also the periphery. Visual field tests are used to detect blind spots (scotomas), which can be a sign of certain eye diseases. The size and shape of a scotoma offers important clues about the presence and severity of diseases of the eye, optic nerve, and visual structures in the brain. Many eye and brain disorders (such as tumours and aneurisms) can cause peripheral vision loss and other visual field abnormalities.
Nidek Autorefractometer
An autorefractometer is a machine used to estimate a patient’s eyeglass prescription by measuring how light is affected as it reflects through the eye. It is quick and painless for the patient and provides an excellent baseline for us to determine the correct eyeglass or contact lens prescription. It is also an extremely valuable tool for nonverbal and special needs patients.
Welch Allyn Spot Vision Screener
The Spot Vision Screener is a portable handheld device designed to help us quickly and easily detect vision issues on patients from six months of age through to adulthood. SPOT screens both eyes at once from a unintimidating 3-foot distance. This device is especially useful when testing infants and toddlers in order to make their eye exam a pleasant experience. This tool is also valuable for those with mobility hindrances who cannot be evaluated with traditional, full-sized equipment.
Topcon Myah
This instrument measures the ‘axial length’ of a child’s eye which is invaluable for monitoring for myopia progression. This tool provides a growth curve for each individual child that helps us to modify treatment modalities in order to insure that your child’s vision does not get worse year after year.
Myah also gives us a corneal topography in order to screen for advanced corneal diseases such as keratoconus.
Furthermore, Myah allows us to assess the root cause of dry eye in patients of any age by analyzing all three layers of their tear film and imaging the tear glands in order to assess their health and possible need for intervention in the event that they are unhealthy.
Topcon SOLOS
Wondering why progressive lenses never worked for you? Or why some lenses seem to be better than others? This fully-automated lens analyzer detects and measures various properties of every lens type (single vision, progressives, bifocals, etc.) in order to determine its design and quality. The result is the best prescription for your situation. This device can also tell you how good of a job your sunglasses are doing in blocking out harmful UV radiation from the sun.